Coordinated Downscaling Experiment - European Domain
EURO-CORDEX - Coordinated Downscaling Experiment - European Domain

EURO-CORDEX is the European branch of the international CORDEX initiative, which is a program sponsored by the World Climate Research Program (WRCP) to organize an internationally coordinated framework to produce improved regional climate change projections for all land regions world-wide. The CORDEX-results will serve as input for climate change impact and adaptation studies within the timeline of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and beyond.
- 14th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly 2024 at GERICS & virtual, January 22 to 25, 2024
- 4th EURO-CORDEX workshop on Convection Permitting Strategy, October 8, 2021
- 3rd EURO-CORDEX workshop on GCM evaluation and selection, June 28, 2021
- 2nd EURO-CORDEX workshop on prioritization of the use of SSPs, April 29, 2021
- 1st EURO-CORDEX workshop on aerosol and land use forcing in CMIP6-CORDEX simulations, March 10, 2021
- 11th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 25 to 28, 2021
- EURO-CORDEX community paper published in Regional Environmental Change
- 10th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 29 to 31, 2020
- 9th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 28 to 30, 2019
- EURO-CORDEX Guidelines released (PDF)
- 8th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 29 to 31, 2018
- 7th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 30 to February 2nd, 2017 (PDF)
- 6th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 25 to 28, 2016
- 5th EURO-CORDEX General Assembly, January 26 to 28, 2015
- Workshop on dynamical and statistical downscaling, January 26, 2015