
What is distillation?

While there isn't a single definition of the concept of distillation, its central notion revolves around constructing regional climate information that is usable, robust, and reliable for decision-making (e.g. Giorgi 2020). According to the IPCC AR6 (Doblas-Reyes et al. 2021), distillation is understood as the process of synthesizing information about climate change from different lines of evidence obtained from a variety of sources (observations, models, literature, process understanding, experts) and taking into account the user context and the values of all relevant actors.

EURO-CORDEX Climate Information Distillation (CID) working group

Climate Information Distillation emerged as the scientific community acknowledged the challenges that users face when adopting climate data in decision-making contexts (Jacob et al. 2020). Given the vast amounts of climate information produced and the multiplicity of messages, users may be inadequately prepared to incorporate state-of-the-art climate information or may make inappropriate decisions if messages from limited, non-robust, unreliable subsets of data are adopted (Fernández et al. 2019). The working group aims to tackle the issue of CID, through a multidisciplinary approach bringing together dynamical and statistical downscaling researchers from EURO-CORDEX, but also global climate modelers, atmospheric dynamicists, climate service providers and philosophers.


Jesus Fernandez

Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria

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Sven Kotlarski


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Douglas Maraun

Wegener Center / Univ. Graz, IPCC

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